Church Calendar


Some Of Our Past Events:

Farm Tour and Local Food Coffee Hour

On Saturday, September 23, 2023, the Green Team of St. Ambrose is inviting you on a tour of Jacob Springs Farm in Boulder.
Jacob Springs is a diversified, beyond organic 450-acre farm located near Boulder on the southeast corner of Arapahoe Road and 75th Street. In the farming off season, Andre Houssney, the owner, is a frequent consultant and lecturer in the areas of regenerative agriculture, the environment, and social development.
Jacob Springs specializes in grass-fed proteins as well as grass-based milk. They also have fruits and vegetables in season and comb honey from their bees.
Please join members of the Green Team for a visit to Jacob Springs Farm on Saturday, September 23rd. We can gather at St. Ambrose in the parking lot at 10:15 AM and then make the five minute drive together over to the farm. The tour should last until 12 noon.

In harmony with our Jacobs Springs Farm tour on Saturday, September 23, we will have a local food coffee hour on Sunday, September 24, after our 10 am service.  Members of our Green Team have volunteered to make coffee hour treats from local food including the St. Ambrose garden, their own gardens, the Jacob Springs Farm store, and local farmer's markets. 


Indigenous Allies September Meeting

Our next meeting is September 30, 2:30-4:00* both in person at Boulder Mennonite 3910 Table Mesa Rd and on Zoom with Cathleen Osborne-Gowey, who is a member of the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma. Cathleen will tell us about her tribe, the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, their past history and contemporary issues, the dynamics of forming relationships with tribes, ways of working together, and potential problem areas.  


Community Barbecue August 24 with Live Music

Bring friends and neighbors and come to a BBQ at St. Ambrose on Thursday, August 24 at 6 pm. Everyone should bring something that you want to put on the grill and a side dish or dessert to share, and let's celebrate summer together!


ART THEOLOGY CLASSES: Exploring Divine Love through Paint

Our August 2023 Series
Our ideas of God can help us to become the most loving persons we can be; people's ideas about God can also be very destructive.  During this four week series we will be using the method of Art Theology to paint our ideas of God in order to better understand what we mean when we say God is Love.  We will also use this method to better understand how people of other faith traditions can help us to deepen our understanding of divine love.  

This is not just for those who are artists and/or love art, this method is for anyone who wants to think differently about God and spirituality.  
Angela Hummel is a parishioner at Saint John’s Cathedral in Denver, Colorado.  Angela has an MFA, an MA in Theology, and is earning her Doctorate at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver where she is creating an Art Theology curriculum.  This year Angela has received a grant from The Episcopal Church in order to begin to share her art theology method. 


Sacred Saunter July 30 at Walden Ponds

We know all about hiking in Colorado, but what about sauntering? Did you know that they used to call medieval pilgrims to the Holy Land "sainte-terre-ers" or "saunterers," because they were walking to the Sainte Terre, French for "Holy Land."  

The St. Ambrose Green Team and Indigenous Allies invite you to join artist, naturalist and contemplative Janet Strickler at Walden Ponds in Boulder Country for an afternoon of sauntering through creation on Sunday, July 30, at 4 pm.

 We will take time to free ourselves from our human-centered worldview to really observe and reflect on what we see, smell, hear, and touch all around us. You will be moving at your own pace on wide, well-groomed trails, so all ages and fitness levels can participate. We'll have a family activity for children, as well. Bring water, a hat, bug spray, and a camp chair or cushion (if you want to spend some time observing while seated.)


Film Series: Drawing All Things to God: A Series Around the Life of Jesus the Christ

Jesus’ birth welcomed something greater into human form. Through the recorded accounts of his life, Jesus’ teachings pointed to a connected way of living in relationship to God, one another, our meals, our positions and possessions, and to the Earth. To people who find themselves detached from such things, who had exhausted themselves and their means, who had forgotten they were created out of the same vibratory frequency (voice) that birthed all things out of no-thing (the Eternal), Jesus came with a message:

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Through this film series, we will just walk awhile together in our skins and see what comes through. We’ll hold space to feel our inborn salvation made available through the mystery of the Anointed One who came among us.