Second Sunday Outreach
Every month on the second Sunday we take a special offering for a selected “Mission in Action” donation.
Missions are either local (L), National (N), or International (I).
January 8: Laundry Love (L)
February 12: The Parker Project (N)
March 12: REMAR Orphanage (I)
The orphanage is home to 120 children (newborn to teens age 16) who are survivors of neglected communities.REMAR helps the children reclaim their lives through programs and rehabilitation.
April 9: Easter giving to local charities.
May 14: New Horizons House International (I)
June 11: For Love of Grace (L)
July 9: Christian Appalachian Project (N)
August 13: Nyagoha Centre of Hope, Kenya (I)
A newly developing center intended to help homeless and needy children in Khwisero, Kakamega County Kenya.
September 10: Boulder Bridge House (L)
October: Locally Haiti (I)
November 12: Korey Wise Innocence Project (L/N)
December 3-24: Animals for Advent: Episcopal Relief and Development Gifts for Life (I)