Looking For Ways You Can Serve?
We have a variety of ways you can serve at Saint Ambrose. From helping to maintain and repair the church and grounds to reading Bible passages at Sunday morning services, there is a place for you! If you are interested in serving in any capacity please fill out the information request form.
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Our acolytes assist the priest at the altar during our worship services. Both adults and children are welcome to be an acolyte.
altar guild
The Altar Guild at Saint Ambrose is responsible for the following duties:
Care for the altar, vestments, vessels and linens used in our services
Setup of the sanctuary for services
Cleanup of the sanctuary after services
Preparation of floral arrangements
Decoration of the sanctuary for holidays and special events
Volunteers take care of our beehives. We can always use more help!
boulder shelter for the Homeless
We periodically serve at the shelter by helping to prepare meals.
chalice ministers
Our chalice ministry team is responsible for administering the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ for Holy Communion. Some training is required, but we are always happy to have new volunteers.
choir and Music
The choir sings at Sunday morning services as well as some special events. New singers are welcome! If you play an instrument there is a place for you to play service music too!
coffee hosts
Each week, a generous volunteer prepares coffee and treats for our fellowship hour after church.
garden focus group
A group of Ambrosians who faithfully keep our gardens looking beautiful, and who plant and harvest a variety of fruits and veggies. We also have a small orchard.
greeters and ushers
Greeters welcome our members and visitors at the door. Ushers assist with the flow of worship during the service.
Our kitchen helpers help out with any of our events that involve food, like meetings, baptisms, funerals, community celebrations and potlucks.
Our lectors read the bible lessons and lead the prayers of the people in our worship services.
mission and service trips
We’ve been done a yearly mission trip to the Remar Orphanage in El Salvador, and do occasional mission trips to other destinations.
outreach committee
This committee facilitates various outreach programs and supports other charities through Second Sunday Offerings.
prayer chain
Commits to praying for parishioners, the community and the world. Prayer chain requests are sent out periodically.
Sexton’s Guild
The Sexton’s Guild helps to maintain the building and grounds, doing minor repairs and leading quarterly parish work days. We have quarterly work days to maintain our grounds, and we have faithful and hard-working members who do more frequent care and maintenance of the outside areas of the church.
Serve at the altar for special celebrations, and help the clergy oversee Lay Ministries on Sunday morning.
The vestry is the elected board of directors of Saint Ambrose. The vestry members provide leadership and vision as they work closely with clergy and other staff members.