Worship Service Information


christmas Eve services

5:00pm - No Rehearsal Christmas Pageant and Carols

Join us at 5:00pm for a festival worship service, complete with your favorite Christmas hymns, a creative retelling of the Christmas story, and communion for all!

9:00pm - Candlelight Lessons and Carols

Join us at 9:00pm for a service full of scripture, favorite carols, communion, and a candlelight singing of Silent night.

We hope you can join us! All are welcome!



In-person and live streamed.

Every Sunday with a variety of musical styles and Episcopal liturgies. On one Sunday per month we have Morning Prayer which does not include the Eucharist, all other Sundays include Eucharist (Communion). The 10 am service is available in-person and to live stream on Zoom. Click here to access the service every week.

To attend our live-streamed service on Zoom, please contact us to get the link.

You can also watch a recording of the service on our YouTube channel.

what to expect on a sunday morning

Dress as you feel comfortable. Most people in the congregation dress casually, or business casual. When you arrive, you will enter through the front doors into the narthex, or entry of the church. You will be greeted by ushers who can answer any questions you may have and help you find a place to sit.

Masks are not required in worship. We do have masks available at our welcome table if you would like one.

You may take a printed bulletin, or use the one that will be projected throughout the service. Lyrics to songs are either printed in the bulletin or found in the hymnal in the pew. The bulletin will have the hymn number for reference. The bulletin will direct you to sit, stand or kneel when appropriate. During communion you may join in receiving the Eucharist, you may join but cross your arms for a blessing only, or you may remain in your pew.

After the service we enjoy fellowship and light refreshments in the narthex. We invite you to stay and use this time to learn more about our activities and begin to feel a part of your new church community.

During the school year, September through May, we offer Christian education, discussion groups, and book clubs at 11:15.


We offer live streamed Morning Prayer service every Wednesday at 8:30 am.

Zoom only.


A candlelit service at 5:30 pm on the first Sunday of the month. In person only.